Rent audio-visuals from Projector Rental, Inc. for your event in Worcester, Massachusetts to take advantage of the lowest prices and best technology on the market today. A diverse college and business center, Worcester offers a number of premium venues for business meetings, receptions, sporting events, and family gatherings, from the professional setting of the Hilton Garden Inn Worchester to the eclectic Worcester Art Museum, elegant Tuckerman Hall, and spacious DCU Center.
Discover the cost effective benefit of renting instead of buying by filing out a quick quote form to receive our low price guarantee. Add to that our free shipping and tech support as well as our knowledgeable experience in the audio-visual industry to enjoy a stress free service providing the best in projector and audio equipment rentals.
Slideshows and PowerPoint presentations exceed professional expectations with our bright HD projectors offering high lumen light and color technology with plenty of plug and play options for connecting to mobile devices. Movie presentations, homemade photo montages, and Blu-Ray stand out on our all in one home entertainment DVD projector offering 2500 lumen LCD images with built in dual Doby Digital surround sound. Projector Rentals, Inc. also offers amp and PA systems, as well as a number of multimedia accessories to enhance your Worcester, Massachusetts event.
Contact today at (800) 574-0212, email us at or fill out a quick quote form to get more information and pricing for a Worcester, Massachusetts rental.